This blog will highlight Baylor students participating in 8-10 week summer internships with established non-profit organizations and civic groups. Students are chosen for their commitment to create systemic social change and for their ability to connect their placement to their discipline of study. These are the future movers and shakers of the non profit and for profit world. Join the dialogue.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Marissa Moschetta, July 25

It is absolutely insane that this is my last week of work; and it isn’t even a full week! I’ll be starting the 14 hour drive to Lexington on Thursday with the rest of my Shepherd Intern roommates. I am really excited to be hosting a community potluck tomorrow night, where I will be giving my presentation about the importance of summer and after school programming in child development. Just a few more little projects to wrap up and my time here will be done. This summer has flown by and the regrets are pouring in. Wishing I had gotten to know some people better, wishing this summer would decide my future career (it has helped me process through it, but no decision made), wishing I felt more prepared for my upcoming social work field internship at Talitha Koum (still nervous), etc. But I have realized that amidst all of my uncertainty, I really have had a fantastic summer experience. I have had the privilege of not only working at a multi-faceted non-profit, but I have been able to be immersed in the community that it serves. I may not feel like I am leaving here with a specific “skill set”, but I have learned things about myself and about community that I could never learn from someone else. Experience is everything. With every volunteer opportunity I have had working alongside the poor; more faces are added to my definition of “poverty”. With each face I meet, my perspective molds, changes, and further connects the issue to my heart. I truly believe that is necessary for all people, especially those claiming Christ. My summer experience has solidified that value in me-to never stop considering the poor in all that I do.    

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